Slang:sastra STYLE
Almost all residential institutes/colleges have a distinct culture of their
own, and an inseparable part of that culture is the slang, or "slanguage" used by the denizens.
sastra has a slang all it's own, with a distinct mast flavour .
Here is a list (albeit not an exhaustive one) of the slanguage of sastra, minus the unprintables which are a staple part
of almost every sentence spoken here.
swapo--- sweet pongal [oof......]
app : To app is to quit Des for greener pastures (!) to the west of the atlantic. Every iitian worth his CPI
or otherwise can app. Apping is a long drawn process beginning the summer of the penultimate year of your stay on
campus (note it's not the third year always; as some of you might extrapolate) and culminating in maybe a schol towards the
end of your final year. The steps involved are beyond the scope of this compilation and merits a page on its own.
arbit: An abbreviation of "arbitrary", it is a very flexible word. Basically, it is used to describe something/someone
that is weird/strange/not the way it should be. eg. "That guy does arbit things" or "He's an arbit guy" implies that the person
being referred to is a bit on the strange side.
avoid: Besides it's dictionary meaning, this word is also used in an admonitory tone, with people shouting it whenever
they get irritated. eg. If someone is watching TV and someone else turns up the radio, then the standard reply is "Avoid,
boss!!". If that fails to work, then "* [at] #$%^" are always there. However, due to extreme overuse these words have lost
their cutting edge and are no longer taken seriously.
boss: A word used (1) while talking to someone who's name one doesn't know or (2) while talking to someone who's
name one does know. In that context, however, it is of no particular significance, a bit like the human appendix without it's
attendant problems.
breaker: Slang for "breakfast", the most important meal of the day, beacuse it was the only one that was even remotely
edible. The quality of the tea varied, however, from good to detergent-flavoured.
bumps: A treat given to someone on his Birthday, when the concerned person is lifted in the air and his rear end
is subjected to a series of kicks. Bumps are also a standard punishment for anyone who pains people too much with bad jokes/comments.
con: Same meaning as dictionary version..
chamkaa: The literal meaning of this word is "lit up" or "glowed", but in the sastrian context, it is used to indicate
an understanding of something that has been just explained/said/described to you. This use probably arose from the popular
cartoon image of a bulb lighting up in a person's head when he/she got an idea.
cts: An abbreviation of
- clearing tensions: which is what one has when one is close to flunking a course.
- crapping tensions: We all know what that means.
cack: A short version of the word "cacophony", it signifies the act of verbal communication, viz. talking. To cack
is to talk ( academic discussions do not qualify ). A group of people talking is having a "cack session".
dayaa: A Hindi word meaning "pity", it is used in a similar sense, when people beg someone to stop what he is doing
by telling him "Dayaa boss ( have pity on us )". It's also used as an adjective ( for describing something/someone that is
avoidable ) e.g. "That's a dayaa Prof".
despo: A corruption of the word "desperate", eg. that guy is despo for a schol. Also used as a nickname for people
having the family name "Deshpande".
dhuk: An abbreviated version of "dhakkan", which is Hindi for "cap" or "lid", it denotes a stupid person. To do
"dhakkangiri" is to do something stupid.
Diro: The Director of the Institute.. the BIG BOSS
ditch: To abandon something. Usage: "Ditch maar boss.."
dnot: ( An abbreviation of "Dhandha-not" ) A dnot is someone who has absolutely nothing to do in life or has absolutely
no enthusiasm for doing what he is supposed to be doing. The act of being a dnot is known as "dnotgiri".
DOSA: Dean of Student Affairs.. the guy who's supposed to be on the side of the students.. hmmmphh..
DryD:An acronym for "Dry Dinner", it was the day of the week when mildly tolerable food was likely to be served.
fart: This word has many subtle and interesting connotations, depending on the context in which it is being used.
In SASTRA lingo, to fart means to say something patently untrue/wildly exaggerated/impossible. So when someone is farting
he is essentially bullshitting big-time. Such people are known as "fartoos". Another usage of this word is: anything that
is a fart Prof. ( Professor ), fart grub ( food ), fart movie/song, you name it.. anything which is not fundoo is
fight: To "fight" over something means giving it your best shot. It's also used for encouraging people when they
are under stress and have to do something very challenging and do it in a very short time.
freakout: To freak out is to enjoy oneself and have a really good time. A person who is fun to be with is also
known as a freakout character. SASTRAians also use this word when they are happy ( for any reason ).
freshie: Freshmen are known by this term, and shiver with terror whenever they hear it ( during their first 1-2
months in SASTRA), because it means that somewhere in the neighbourhood, a freshie is being summoned by his seniors for an
"introduction". This is the phenomenon of ragging, which is defined in the latter half of this document. An SASTRian stays
a freshie for his first year, after which a new batch comes to be victimized.
Freshies' Night: A ritual signifying the end of the ragging period, it consisted of certain, shall we say "trans-gender"
performances by the freshies.
funda/fundaes: These words are just abbreviations of the word "fundamental(s)". The funda of something means the
basic principle behind it. Fundaes are just a collection of several "fundas" and the person with the best fundaes is called
the "funda man".
ghoch: A foul-up of any kind is called a ghoch. It can also mean a defect or flaw of some sort. e.g. A ghoch in
someone's reasoning. People who perform detructive acts ( keeda...explained later ) also "do ghoch".
ghodagiri: Ironically, this word means "donkey work ", whereas "ghoda" means "horse" in Hindi. Ghodagiri refers
to any kind of work that's very menial and/or involves very little brainwork ( just pure effort ). Those who do this thankless
work are referred to as "ghodas".
..giri: Used as a suffix to several slangs in sastra, it denotes the act of being like the person/thing/characteristic
described by the slang. eg. ghodagiri (previous entry), dnotgiri etc.
give up: Give up can mean what it is supposed to, or
- It can have the same meaning as "fart" in the sense of something that's bad/avoidable. eg. "That's a give up movie".
- It's also used as an expression of defeat, when one realizes that one is facing impossible odds.
grub: Food, of which there was always a great shortage ( the edible variety that is ). Mess grub was there in plenty,
though. The horror stories about it are legion, with each hostel having an anthology of it's own.
hagar/hagaar: Another word for huggoo (described later ).
Hawa: Hindi word meaning "Air", it is something which every freshie is supposed to know, "hawa" being an acronym
for AIR ( his All India Rank in the (aieee) ).
Hazaar/Hajaar: It's literal meaning being 1000 ( one thousand ), this word is used to denote " a lot of " something.
e.g. hazaar crowded, or hazaar tough.
HOD: The Head of Department, who is the Big Boss for students after their first year.
hug: Hugging is the act of performing badly at something, making a stupid mistake or fouling up in general. The
origins of this word, well.. they lie in one of the necessary acts which all people do in the morning..and which involves
the expulsion of certain toxins from the body..I frankly don't know how the word came to mean what it does now..someone who
hugs consistently is known as a huggoo.
junta: "Junta" means "The Common People" in Hindi. In sastra, any notice or act directed at everyone in general
begins with the word "Junta" written on the notice or shouted out loud to attract everyone's attention.
keeda: Playing tricks on people and/or disrupting something is called doing keeda or "keedagiri". The word means
"insect" in Hindi and probably started being used in it's present context by the irritation caused by some of those pesky
arthropods. This word symbolizes, better than anything else the image of av hostel in sastra
khaach: To khaach something is to cancel/remove/destroy it; e.g. The concert got khaached because nobody turned
KLPD: This acronym (the expansion of which cannot be written here without offending the delicate
sensibilities of certain readers) is used to denote frustration, especially after one's expectations have been heightened.
kuchh bhi kyaa: This phrase ( in Bombay Hindi, typically ungrammatical ) indicates a disbelief in what the person
with whom one is talking is saying. It is also used to protest against an unreasonable request/demand made by someone.
lukkha: Another term for a Dnot, ie. a person who is a total slacker
MB: The Main Building, where the Institute's administrative and financial offices are housed, and where the omnipotent
Director and Deans have their lairs.
mug: To mug is to study/cram ..usually this activity is undertaken the night before the exam, but some people mug
during other ( unseasonal ) times too..such characters are known as muggoos. However, muggoos who hug in exams are known as
nabard/nbd: This word's origins lie in "nervous breakdown". To take nbd over something is to get all worked up
and worried about it. "Nabdus" are people who are always in this state. Such people are compulsive worriers. They need not
be academic nabdus at all. In fact, there have been several people who are not in the least concerned about their grades ,
but go into spasms of worry before an inter-hostel sports or cultural event. So we can conclude that nabard is just a state
of mind.
night out: As the name implies, a night-out is the act of staying awake the whole night, sometimes due to a cack
session, sometimes due to a combination of cack and intoxicants, and sometimes due to exam nbds..
obscene: A word used to express a large amount/intensity of anything, e.g. An obscene dinner, an obscenely good
grade etc. As the previous examples show, the adjective can be applied to positive things too.
ok types: Anything that is good or went off well. Basically this word can be used almost any place where a positive
feeling/result is involved.
Panchii: A generic term used to refer to any general person
pondy: An "educational" movie, in which all the facts of life are laid bare.
pseud: A derogatory term for anybody or anything that's very heavily westernised or has pretensions to be very
Punter: Another variant of "Panchii"
rg/rg-giri:Derived from the word "Relative Grading" ( supposedly ), this term defines the act of doing something
for one's benefit at the expense of someone else. A good example is submitting an assignment/homework to the Professor before
everyone else, and that too without informing them.
saax :saax, as the very sound of it suggests, is a positive exaggeration (!) and of anything that needs
to be exaggerated, in the existing context of things. You can have a saax babe or saax course or even saax
scope/scope kyaa: A word/phrase used to characterize something as being impossible or beyond the capacities of
the person talking about doing it..
shady: Something or someone which/who is not as it/he should be. e.g. A shady prof, or a shady ( avoidable ) person.
It's meaning varies a bit with regard to the context in which it is used.
sidey: A word which can mean "fart" or "shady" ( another one of those flexible context-dependent words ).
stud: Someone who extremely good at his/her field. Yes, even females are called studs in sastra.
suck: An inevitable part of the apping process, sucking involves sending letters/emails to the Professor(s) in
the US in whose fields one is interested in working ( due to those fields being well-funded ) in which the writer raves about
having been interested in say "Metal Matrix Composites" since the day he was born and that nothing would give him greater
satisfaction than working under him ( the Prof. ). Usually roles are reversed for Dept. toppers, with the Univs/Depts sucking
up to them.
zeneraal: A corruption of "general". ( mostly used by biharis )
Some more slang:
Regional identifiers:
bong:Someone who is from the state of West Bengal. This word has become the nickname of countless bongs in sastra.
ghat: Someone from the state of Maharashtra. It's origins probably lie in the Western Ghats, those being the mountains(?)
on India's West Coast.
gujju: A person from the State of Gujarat.
gulti: People from Andhra Pradesh are called Gults. The origin of this word is not very clear, but the most popular
version is that it originated from the word "Telugu", which is the language spoken by gults. "Telugu" when spelt backwords
sounds like "Gulutey", which changed to "Gult" with the passage of time.
maddu/tam: Someone from the state of Tamil Nadu. "Maddu" has originated from the capital city Madras.
Mallu: A person from the state of Kerala. Origin lies in Malayalam, the language spoken in the state.
panju: A Punjabi ( someone from dee istate of Pajaab ).
Sporting abbreviations:
baddy: Badminton
basky: Basketball
footer: Football
volley: Volleyball
ET: The species inhabiting the first bench of classes, especially in the Computer Science (CS) Department.
GKR: Ganne ka ras (sugarcane juice for you pseuds)
Jing-Bang: Context-sensitive, whatever you take it to mean when you use it.
koi bhi: Used derogatively (and to some measure enviously) to denote a person not deserving of a crack in acads
or with some fundu chick. Also used to denote a person of little importance generating a lot of awaaj.